Due to the fact the engine was already +40 the decision was taken to bore it to 60 thou, giving a useful 1330cc. Aswell as being reground, the crank and all the bottom end has been balanced, and the flywheel has been lightened, to make a sweet and lively engine. All rod, head and bottom end fixings have been replaced with high tensile items for reliability, and the center main bearing will be machined and strapped.
All cylinder head work is done 'in house' as is all the engine building, with only certain machining being 'farmed out'. By being able to give the machinist the bare components, ready to be machined and knowing exactly what I want doing, I am able to build good quality engines, at a very reasonable cost to the customer.
Once this engine is built up, and fitted with the correct induction and exhaust components, it should hopefully produce 90+bhp. More importantly, it should be very tractable, and a very strong and usable road engine.